Top 5 Eco Activities for the Summer Holidays

Top 5 Eco Activities for the Summer Holidays

The summer holidays are with us, and we all want our days to be filled with fun, new experiences and memories.

Preferably fun, new experiences and memories that don’t harm the planet! Whilst it might seem tricky to cater for children and the earth in one, we’re here to show you it’s easier than it seems. Keep reading for our favourite eco friendly activities of the season!
  1. Get gardening
No matter the space you have, there’s all sorts of ways to start gardening sustainably with your children. You could plant bee-friendly flowers to encourage pollinators to your garden, or consider growing your own herbs for your children to pick when it’s time to cook dinner. This is something that doesn’t require a garden and can be done from the comfort of your windowsill!
If you’re looking for extra fun, check out our friends at Seedbom and have yourself a seed throwing party!
  1. Plan a nature scavenger hunt
To help inspire your children to have fun outdoors, plan a nature scavenger hunt – it’s a great way for children to explore the outside world by themselves and can bring additional fun to a family walk. Get your children to spot things like different coloured flowers, ladybirds, caterpillars, leaves and trees.
  1. Have an arts and crafts day with recycled materials
Arts and crafts allow your children to be creative whilst having fun. Traditionally, they could be rather wasteful – but that doesn’t mean they have to be!
Before throwing rubbish into your bin, check to find items that can be reused. Set aside empty toilet paper rolls, cardboard, egg boxes and plastic containers and get creative.
Check out our blog post on upcycling for some additional ideas here 
  1. Go plogging
Remember that craze a few years back? Plogging is the act of going out for a jog or walk and picking up litter along the way. Although a been and gone trend, this is a great way to get kids out and active as well as caring for our planet.
  1. Stargaze
It’s free, can be done from your back garden or any outdoor space and opens our minds to all sorts of possibilities. For a quick guide on how to make astronomy fun for kids head here

Any other ideas? We’d love to hear them. Leave a comment below or get in touch on Instagram @oceansaverdrops

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